Tuesday 7 October 2014

School Life

Welcome to Bulgaria, where if you survive through school, it's an achievement.
It's that time of the year where all the stress, homework, angry teachers, angry parents, fake friendships and low grades take over your mind and you fall into this sempiternal depression. It's like that for me, at least. I have the type of parents who don't accept any other grade than the highest one(yes, a B is low, it means you have failed) and I constantly have my electronics taken away.
Looking at all these facts, you would deduce that life in school sucks here, but it actually doesn't. If you're used to all this and look at it from the bright side, it's actually pretty fun. My amusement is listening to my "friends'" lies when I know the truth, staying up all night so that I don't wake up late, eating the yummy caffeteria food. Yes, school awakes an egoistic, deluded, self-serving demon in me, and to be honest this demon is starting to take over. School life, indeed.